What is child sexual abuse?
Child sexual abuse is preventable.
Take five simple steps to help protect the children in your family and community to prevent this trauma.
The impact of child sexual abuse is devastating for survivors but it also affects those close to them, as well as the surrounding community.
Emotional & Behavioral Signs of Abuse
Physical Signs of Abuse
If you are questioning whether a situation could be considered abuse or neglect, it is always recommended you call a resource, explain the circumstances and ask:
ChildLine: 1-800-932-0313 or visit www.compass.state.pa.us/cwis
Lancaster County Children and Youth Agency: 717-295-7925
If a crisis occurs after business hours, a stand-by caseworker is available by calling the Medical Bureau at 717-396-8085
If it is a situation involving a life-threatening emergency, please call 911
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